ASUS COMPLETE BLACK STAND, This set is composed of : - the base with metal fork, skids and assembled screws. - the base with the hinge system to tilt the screen. - the fixing support - the fixing screws
Descriere:Statie cu 1 microfon wireless, model Sekaku WL-200R/WL-200H
Domeniu de frecventa: 175-185 MHz - 16 canale cu cautare automata Raspuns in frecventa: 50 Hz - 15 kHz
Dimensiuni (mm): 230 x 114 x 40
Greutate: 0.35 kg
Descriere:Putere RMS: 15 W/max 30 W
Putere de iesire: 1, 2, 3.75, 7.5, 15 W
Boxe 3 difuzoare, 5 x 7 inch
Tensiune de intrare: 25, 70, 100 V
100V - 10KOhm/5KOhm/2.67KOhm/1.33KOhm/670Ohm
70V - 4.9KOhm/2.5KOhm/1.3KOhm/650Ohm/320Ohm
25V -...
Descriere:Putere RMS: 20 W/max 40 W
Putere de iesire: 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 W
Boxe 4 difuzoare, 5 x 7 inch
Tensiune de intrare: 25, 70, 100 V
100V - 8KOhm/4KOhm/2KOhm/1KOhm/500Ohm
70V - 3.9KOhm/2KOhm/1KOhm/490Ohm/245Ohm
25V -...
Descriere:Putere RMS: 30 W/max 60 W
Putere de iesire: 2, 3.75, 7.5, 15, 30 W
Boxe 6 difuzoare, 5 x 7 inch
Tensiune de intrare: 25, 70, 100 V
100V - 5KOhm/2.67KOhm/1.33KOhm/670Ohm/633Ohm
70V - 2.45KOhm/1.3KOhm/645Ohm/326Ohm/163Ohm
25V -...